Dear Coltman Third Ward Youth, I would like to take the opportunity to write you all and express my love for each one of you. Also I would like to talk to you a little bit about the work Iam doing here in Brasil. The mission field is a marvelous blessing to me to my family and to many many others. I can truly say that this is the Lords work. If it weren´t for him we wouldn´t have the blessings that we do on the earth today. I am writing to maybe help you all answer a few question that our lives bring up. What will actually happen when I grow up? Well you all are growing up faster than you think. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting in a Bishops youth discussion learning as you are today. But now It's been close to a year that I´ve been out of the United States. Our time is short and we must make the best of it. Learn all that you can from your church leaders, school teachers and especially your families. As a missionary our purpose is to 'Invite others to come unto Christ by helping them recieve the restored gospel through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.' With trainings from my leaders from general authorities the main purpose of missionary work is to Baptize and Retain the new members. Yes this is not always easy. The First Presidency wrote in Preach My Gospel Page V. 'We compliment you on the great opportunity you have to be a missionary. There is no more compelling work than this, nor which brings greater satisfaction. Preach My Gospel is intended to help you be a better-prepared, more spiritually mature missionaryand a more persuasive teacher. We challenge you to rise to a new sense of commitment to assist our Father in Heaven in his glorious work. Every missionary has an important role in helping 'to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man'Moses 1:39. The Lord will reward and richly bless you as you humbly and prayerfully serve him. More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among his children' This is true. The blessing of a full time mission are not a temporary thing but will last for eternity. I would invite all of you to read and pray about THE POWER AND AUTHORITY OF YOUR CALLING Page 4 Preach My Gospel. It contains the fullness of our joy as missionaries. From President Gordon B. Hinckley ' Go forward. Do your work. It´s so very,very important. You have on your narrow shoulders the responsability of teaching the Gospel to a world that doesn´t want it.' So true but it starts as youth. You walk the halls of schools, lots of you have jobs. What great opportunities to be missionaries. It can be a smile, a Hello, A helping hand, and most important your example. I t reminds me of a scripture I read recently but in portuguese Matt.5:16 Let your light so shine befor men,that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. Scripture mastery I think. How great our example is. Our Attitudes show alot of who we are. We we raised in the Church this gives us a head start. We know the doctrine principles and we study them in Seminary. But the thing that is most important is that decision to serve a full time mission. There are many other fun and exciting opportunities out there that bring joy, a few good times maybe, glory to play Football for BYU but nothing will bring as much joy as a mission. I'm am truly Grateful for my leaders my friends and my family who always put in my mind and heart that a mission was important. If it wasn´t for my decision to serve, I wouldn´t have learned as much as I have in this short time and wouldn´t have the opportunity to serve for another year and a month or so. This work is growing, not only here in Brasil, but over the face of all the earth. The mission has taught and continues to teach me something new everyday. Ya, its tough but its worth the walking, the studying and all the fasting and prayer to see at least One Person enter the waters of Basptism. I am a Testimony of that. I have seen Miracles in my life and in the lives of others. If you don´t have a Preach My Gospel, get one and read it study the lessons the scriptures and I promise as a representative of my savior Jesus Christ, that Your life will Change and Change for the better, as it has mine. Once in the Mission field we must learn to love First our Savior and this marvelous work, second our companios (which trust me is not always easy). Look for miracles and really expect them because they are real. Work smart and Hard, and Not let rejection get us down. I have been rejected for some of the most outrageous reasons but always tried to hold my head high. Do all you can now to prepare for a mission. Whether a young man or a young woman. You don´t know if your mission will be to preach or raise a family girls. Sister missionaries have a power that we as Elders don´t have. Study just as hard as the boys do, so that you can serve where the lord wants you to. I remeber President Hinckley always telling us to get as much education as possible. I'm seeing now where education has helped me and others. Study hard even if it is the most difficult course or the hardest teacher. But really pay attention to the spiritual side of studies. Read and pray about the scriptures and the message that they have. I had a pretty silly thing that I did with one of my friends almost everynight, she would ask me to read her a scripture and apply it to the life of a missionary or to explain the message and then bear my testimony about it. Not everynight she wanted to hear a scripture but even when she was mad at me, I read a scripture to her. Wow, what a testimony I gained. When I left she told me that the scripture we read almost daily together helped both of us grow. I can say the same I saw the difference it made in my life and the changes I had to make to live worthily to serve a mission. This Gospel has a power to change lives. Always remember that. Pray for missionay opportunties and always live worthy to enter the temple. Those of you who just graduated congratulations but now your life begins, set an example for others. Those of you who are close to going on a mission (Heath and Trevor) Really Study hard Preach my Gospel and the Scripture. Pres. Batt challenged me to get up early and study with my Dad. Wow, what a difference that made. Ya I was tired and ya we didn´t study everyday, but I came to know my Dad better and he really taught me alot about missionary work. Not to mention got me in the habit of getting up early and studying which is a daily thing now. I thank him for that. I thank My dad for helping me get to where I am today. I Love him for that. I challenge each and everyone of you today to go home after church open Matt. 5:16 read it and pray to have a better clarity and decision to serve a full time mission. I love you all and am always praying for your success. Keep Working hard and know that your Heavenly Father is counting on you. And hey, feel free to write any time and ask questions or tell me how things are going. Thanks for all you do as youth for the Church. You truly have set a great example for me. Love, ELDER RAPP
Monday, June 9, 2008
Posted by Lesa at 8:32 AM
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