Elder Rapp's Testimony

Eu gostaria Prestar meu testumunho para vocês com amor. Que Esta obra do Senhor e a obra maravilhosa. Que realmente Esta Igreja A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias e a Igreja restaurado aqui na terra. Por meio do um rapaz de 14 anos a Igreja foi Restaurado novamante. Eu sei com todo meu coraçâo que as bençâos que nos podemos receber e atraves nosso obediencia ao mandamentosdo Pai Celestial. Eu amo asse Trabalho. Eu nunca pensei realmente a luz que eu posso trazer por tantas pessoas. Que realmente eu posso ajudar alguem a ter Fe em Nosso Salvador Jesus Cristo. Eu seui que ele vive que ele nos amo. So presisamo buscar ele em Oraçao e ele vai no ajudar. Eu amo cada um de vocês. Você sempre esta em meus oraçoes. Obrigado por todo que vocês fazem para mim. Te Amo!!! E eu digo estas coisa em nome do Meu Salvador e Redentor Jesus Cristo Amèn.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Minha Familia‏

Hello from BRAZIL!!!How are you all doing? Things sound like they are still going good. I'm not having much success this week. The work is still tuff with no beef yet. I think we will baptize this young man named Iuri soon but other than that no one is progressing. I am teaching English classes to try and get new people but none so far. Last class we had there were 12 people and only one or two were investigators. But hey I'm teaching English. Wow that's cool, I'm a red neck that teaches English. DON'T LET THAT GET AROUND!!! Tell Zach that he will be teaching people English when he gets in the field. Well About the ant... fire ants you shouldn´t eat! He was on my fork so I decided it would be fun to eat him. No not fun, he burned my upper and lower lip. But hey I earned something from it. Even the appearance of evil is evil. It may look innocent but really it aint. Well no cool stories today, this week was a slow one. But there is always room for improvement. So how are you guys doing there in Idaho? Is my cute little niece still growing like a weed? And my parents how are they doing still working like crazy and and sleeping real well. I am so grateful for all you keep up the good work and remember you all are ALWAYS in my prayers. Love you tonz!!! ELDER RAPP Ps I would like some crest whitestrips if possible so I can have a brilliant smile!!! How do I spell that word?