Elder Rapp's Testimony

Eu gostaria Prestar meu testumunho para vocês com amor. Que Esta obra do Senhor e a obra maravilhosa. Que realmente Esta Igreja A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias e a Igreja restaurado aqui na terra. Por meio do um rapaz de 14 anos a Igreja foi Restaurado novamante. Eu sei com todo meu coraçâo que as bençâos que nos podemos receber e atraves nosso obediencia ao mandamentosdo Pai Celestial. Eu amo asse Trabalho. Eu nunca pensei realmente a luz que eu posso trazer por tantas pessoas. Que realmente eu posso ajudar alguem a ter Fe em Nosso Salvador Jesus Cristo. Eu seui que ele vive que ele nos amo. So presisamo buscar ele em Oraçao e ele vai no ajudar. Eu amo cada um de vocês. Você sempre esta em meus oraçoes. Obrigado por todo que vocês fazem para mim. Te Amo!!! E eu digo estas coisa em nome do Meu Salvador e Redentor Jesus Cristo Amèn.

Monday, January 7, 2008

oi familia ‏ 8/22/07

Hey everyone i love getting your letters and emails. My favorite scripture as of now mom would have to be Ether 12:27. Meghan would have told you that silly. Well everything is still going great. 3 meals a day and life is good. Mom i forgot to tell you that the best way to send packages is in the flat rate envelopes, you´ll be surprised how much you can get them hint hint haha. I have looked through all my stuff and can´t find my patriarchal blessing would you be so kind and send me a copy of it please. Well my computer just deleted most of my email so i don´t know what would have been written here. I´ll star over grrr. The CTM is amazing i´ve learned so much in the few short weeks i´ve been here. The learning pace for me seems to be flying i pick up so much information so fast. The spirit really does teach you so much faster. I realize now more than ever what was meant by the Lords university. I would never have learned at this pace anywhere else. The spirit here is amazing being surrounded by the great men i am and hearing and bearing testimony so much. We pray about a thousand times a day. Em Ingles é em Portuguese. In our mdst the other day we spoke only thirty minutes in English the rest of out 3 1/2 hours was in Portuguese. All of my Brasilian Elder friends left yesterday in was a bummer. We were so close. There hasn´t been any in our room with us yet but a bunch of them were on our floor. Brasilians like to trade alot so i traded a tie with E. De Olivera before he left. What a great guy. He had a hard time leaving alot of tears and hugs. He was always helping me learn Portuguese all of his district were awesome. One night they all picked my companion up and started spanking him because he was wearing American flag pjs. It was so funny. They would always have dance offs in the halls at night. Muito loco!!!!!!! So much fun i loved it. None of them were going to Porto Alegre Sul but i´ll find some that are. Well its good to here everything is going well at home. No need to worry about me i´m doing excellent here. We didn´t get to go to the temple today, we went and got our Brasilian id cards instead so we have alot more time for p-day. I wish i would´ve brought a backpack or some sort of bag with me. That's alright i bought a bag last week that has my name and mission on it. Its sweet 40reis in us dollars its about 20 bucks. Everything is cheap down here except electronics. Food snacks you name it very very cheap. Irmão Silas taught us about Porto Alegre the other day. Sounds cold in the winter. Wind and rain chills to the bone you know. But in the rest of the year he said its like an oven 100+ degrees and killer humidity. Well i´m pretty much out of time so we´ll catch up later. Tell everyone hi and i love them. Tell Meghan how much I Love her and pray for her. Thank you all so much for your letters and your prayers they are truly felt. Jordan buddy i need to hear from my little bro man i miss you buddy lets hear about how life's going and whats up and interesting man. I love you guys. I´ll talk to you in a week. The church is true the work that i´m am doing will bless all of your lives. Remember sacrifice is not loss it is preparation for even greater blessings. We all will be blessed tremendously. I know that Jesus Christ Atoned for my sins that through the great power of prayer i can repent and better myself. I love my savior and his great sacrifice for me. This gospel is true and i know that for sure. I love you all !!!