Elder Rapp's Testimony

Eu gostaria Prestar meu testumunho para vocês com amor. Que Esta obra do Senhor e a obra maravilhosa. Que realmente Esta Igreja A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Ultimos Dias e a Igreja restaurado aqui na terra. Por meio do um rapaz de 14 anos a Igreja foi Restaurado novamante. Eu sei com todo meu coraçâo que as bençâos que nos podemos receber e atraves nosso obediencia ao mandamentosdo Pai Celestial. Eu amo asse Trabalho. Eu nunca pensei realmente a luz que eu posso trazer por tantas pessoas. Que realmente eu posso ajudar alguem a ter Fe em Nosso Salvador Jesus Cristo. Eu seui que ele vive que ele nos amo. So presisamo buscar ele em Oraçao e ele vai no ajudar. Eu amo cada um de vocês. Você sempre esta em meus oraçoes. Obrigado por todo que vocês fazem para mim. Te Amo!!! E eu digo estas coisa em nome do Meu Salvador e Redentor Jesus Cristo Amèn.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Two letters

Hey guys!! Sorry I don´t have much time today. This week is transfers and my comp has alot to do to get ready to leave. I'm staying, whoohoo. I don´t know who my new comp is but I'll keep y'all in on the news when he gets here. Its been quite a day today. Just run run run. And clean the apartment as well. This week went very well I'm happy to say. no problems or stress. It rained pretty good through out the week. My stupid umbrella broke again that's #3 in 1 year. It's life though right. Its supposed to be wicked hot tomorrow. 30 degrees C don´t remember the stuff anymore in American degrees. Well I'm doing great now. Ready for a little change. See if my new comp will be great. It is really good to have problems to be honest. I learn a ton everyday. Although very difficult. So hows life in Idaho this week? I'm gonna go to all the new temples that I've never been to when I get home. OOO I had churrasco yesterday. Man I out eat everyone in the world when it comes to meat. My comp didn´t eat it unless it was dry. Blahh you chew it for 5 hours but when its nice and juicy you rock it. Jordan bought a car with tranny problems? I'm gonna kick his butt. He doesn´t know how much money trannys cost, and then labor on top of that. Better pray the school will put it in for him. Hey we all learn by our mistakes ne. And my redneck bro Zach is getting out there next week. Man I'm so excited for him. He is gonna love it. It's tough ya but the best work I've ever done. Well I was thinking this week if I asked y'all for new rechargeable batteries that I've been needing for a while now. I'd buy em but they are like 30 bones for 4 of them here. I'm not a rich guy. Well I'm getting low on time so I'll call it an email even though it was a small one. Sorry again for the short time frame today I'll be better next week. And hey I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! have a great week.ELDER RAPP

Hey Guys and Girls haha Hows life up there in Idaho? Life down here is getting me pretty good this week. After a long week of silence I have been waiting for a good pday. Elder hasn´t talked this week. He just ignores me. Saddnessssss!!! So I'm pretty much on the down side this week. Pray that things get better ne. Only one more week and we´ll go our separate ways. He is a great guy and awesome missionary but has his sides that defiantly are strange. So this week has been cold and wet. lota rain and wind and freezing cold. But hey I'm doing great. I'm happy and just making the best of it. For sure I'm learning alot. I was reading D and C the other day and came across the part I needed most. Section 121 where Joseph is in jail and praying for help. This week has been like that. In jail, cold, full of frustration but Heavenly Father gave me plenty of opportunities to feel his love just like the Profet Joseph Smith. He works miracles in my life. I was called to be here and was prepared to have experiences like these ones. Well hows my fam. doing this week? BBQ again? Hey this better still be a tradition when I get home. Andrea Told me she took a mango to have my spirit there. Hey, fruit is where I'm at baby. And BBQ as well. Hopefully we´ll have churrasco on Sunday. I'm hoping because its been 4 months since I've eaten a good chunk of Churrasco. Well I love you all and pray for each one of you always. MUAHH!!!! ELDER RAPP

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hello my loving family,Life is going good here. I will try to make this longer today ok. It has been a rough week for me. I was really sick with the flu and without energy to do anything. Good thing Heavenly Father gave me strength to work. It was a rough three days of pain. But I'm all better now. My companion is officially driving me crazy! He is seriously in touch with his feminine side. He asks every girl in the world what kind of hair products and skin products he should use. Dude you have got to be kidding me, I don´t even use sunscreen and he uses all this crud. The flu luckily left me but now he has it and does nothing but sleep. REALLY hard to work when he doesn´t want to. PATIENCE is a virtue that I don´t have. Well the work is improving slowly. We are being pounded with stupid questions from leaders about our numbers. Being a leader is not something I am going to be. eee it would be nice but all they think about is ###numbers###, not souls, not people. A bit frustrating at times. Well I'm feeling a lot of heat this past week it's ridiculous. Where is a good winter when I want it. It is supposed to start raining tomorrow and get cold again though. I'm ready for the cold!! Mommy can you send sacred grove pictures to me? Please send them in an email and I'll get em off and print em. So whats the news in Idaho, anything cool and new? I haven´t much to say here still. It would help if it wasn´t the same stuff and difficulties week after week. Well I Love you all and hope you have a great week!!! Muahh!!!ELDER RAPP

Hey y'all!!! Thanks so much for all of the letters. I'm glad I have a great family like you guys. Some elders don´t even get letters from anyone so I'm truly blessed. Well we are doing good this week. Things are a little tough. My comps dad is going in for surgery Thursday and he's known about it for a while, so its driving him crazy. Its affecting our work but our leaders don´t seem to be understanding about it. They just ask me stupid questions like I don´t know how to work. Man it gets me a little down. They don´t help me out they just make me bummed and wanting to to another area. Patience is a virtue that I think I have and then the Lord shows me I don´t. We'll keep working on it though. It's tough but nothing that gets thrown at me will be out of my abilities to handle. I really don´t want to be a leader in the mish because of stuff like this it´s frustrating. Well I loved all of your letters!!! Sorry I never have time to write everyone every week. If I could I for sure would. I love hearing all the cool family stories. The spirit really touched me this week with the special occasions and testimonies of you all. I know that this is where I need to be. I hope everyone knows that I love them and that is the reason I am sacrificing a slight time in my life for my Savior. There really is no other place I´d rather be. Sure it isn´t always easy but it in the tough times that I learn the most. The Lord works in our lives everyday to teach us how to be more like him. He has set a great example for me. I hope I can be a little bit of an example for the people here in my areas. Thanks for the love and support. And btw that shirt burned like no other, man it was good to play with fire. Muah!!! Love you all so very much!!!ELDER RAPP

Friday, August 1, 2008

Woo hoo!

We made it to the year mark! I can't believe he has been gone one year already. In some ways it was fast, but in others it was like forever. On the days that I am thinking about him and missing him it drags. I love you Elder Rapp! Work hard and enjoy your last year!

Funny Humpday Animations provided by

Oops forgot to post his letter

Hey y'all. Hows my fam doing this week? I'm doing great. this week was a good week for sure but with some stories for sure. Well good news, we baptised the twins finally! So 2 more baptisms, that's the life. It took a while, I learned a ton. Man that was 2 of the hardest baptisms in the world. After the baptism the fun part of the story comes in. Elder Sousa blew up and told me I am not qualified to be senior comp and that he should be cause he is 25 and has 6 months on the mish. hahaha Oh my head was really hurting Sat. night after talking with district leaders and zone leaders to get the feelings all out and solve the problem. Blah that was the biggest fight in the history of my mission. Oh by the way I'm getting old. One year down and so much yet to do. I don´t even want to think about going home yet. Life here is tough but it is great. I have to work and go to school when I'm at home. Maybe I'll just have to hang out with the fam for a couple of weeks before starting anything serious. Well its flippin cold and rainy and miserable, but hey it,s life. Wed. we have zone conf. we have to go to Pelotas. 3 hours in a van full of missionaries. I imagine that it can get interesting. I had something to have you send me but I forgot now. Sorry next week maybe I'll remember. I'm really out of things or cool stories to tell sorry I'll try to make next week longer k. muah love ya. Hey whats my website eh I forgot? I love you all so very much!!!ELDER RAPP